Cântăre In you i found me

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 106
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5528-in-you-i-found-me]In you i found me[/url]

I was lost, lost and all alone,

With an empty heart and soul

Then You became my home,

My life was filled with every wrong

An endless night so long

Then You became my dawn.

C: You opened up the door to your heart

And I walked through

In You

I found the power to be strong

In You

I found a reason to belong

In You

I found how great a love can be

And in You

I found me

My world was caught in a raging storm

My sails were ripped and torn

Then You became my calm,

Like a bird with broken wings I cried

Had nowhere left to fly

Then You became mu sky.


And now I'll never fear the past

I know how long will last

We are forever!

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Da, inima noastră își găsește bucuria în El, căci avem încredere în Numele Lui cel Sfânt. ( Psalmii 33:21 )