Cântăre Prodigal

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 135
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5605-prodigal]Prodigal[/url]

Living on my own, thinking for myself

Castles in sand, temporary wealth

Walls are falling down, storms are closing in

Tears have filled my eyes, here I am again

R: And I've held out as long as I can

Now I'm letting go and holding out my hand

Daddy, here I am again, will you take me back tonight

I went and made the world my friend, and it left me high and dry

I dragged Your name back through the mud

That You first found me in

Not worthy to be called Your son

Is this to be my end?

Daddy, here I am

Here I am again

Curse this morning sun, drags me in to one more day

Of reaping what I've sown, of living with my shame

Welcome to my world, and the life that I have made

Where one day you're a prince, the next day your a slave

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