Cântăre Sometimes

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 123
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5674-sometimes]Sometimes[/url]

All this time

All this trying to beat human nature

It's still holding on to me

I'm made to run

But I was meant to be free

But still I'm broken

In need of someone to rescue me

Sometimes I burn

Sometimes I lose my way

But when I fall

That's not where I'll stay

Sometimes I burn

Sometimes I make mistakes

I will fall

But when I fall

I fall into grace

I'll let you down

If you're looking to me

To be perfection

This side of eternity

So hear me now

Here the words that I speak

I see redemption

But i'm not yet complete

Sometimes I burn

Sometimes I lose my way

But when I fall

That's not where I'll stay

Sometimes I burn

Sometimes I make mistakes

I will fall

But when I fall

I fall into a gaze

I need a saviour

I need a saviour

I need a saviour

Sometimes I burn

Sometimes I lose my way

But when I fall

That's not where I'll stay

Sometimes I burn

Sometimes I make mistakes

I will fall

But when I fall

I fall into a gaze

I need a saviour

I need a saviour

I need a saviour
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meniu prim
Și prin El, și voi sunteți zidiți împreună, ca să fiți un locaș al lui Dumnezeu, prin Duhul. ( Efeseni 2:22)