Cântăre By heart, by soul

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 127
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5679-by-heart-by-soul]By heart, by soul[/url]

If you were a road, I'd learn every turn,

'Till I could find my way with my eyes close

If you were a song I'd sing along,

'Till I know every word and every note

But You are everthing to me,

A mystery, your the love, I live to see

By heart, by soul

That's how I want to know You

Keep you as close as breath is to life

Wanna watch Your love unfold

By heart, (by heart), by soul

If you were a place, I'd stay my whole life,

So I'd had every corner memorized

And if you were a star, i'd follow you home,

You would be the light, that is my only guide

You are everything to me,

My A to Z, and will be forever and eternity

I wanna know You inside and out,

Better then I even know myse

If you were a star,

I'd follow you home by heart, by soul
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