Cântăre Show me your glory

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 126
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5682-show-me-your-glory]Show me your glory[/url]

I caught a glimpse of Your splendor

In the corner of my eye

The most beautiful thing I've ever seen

And it was like a flash of lightning

Reflected off the sky

And I know I'll never be the same


Show me Your glory

Send down Your presence

I want to see Your face

Show me Your glory

Majesty shines about You

I can't go on without You, Lord

When I climb down the mountain

And get back to my life

I won't settle for ordinary things

I'm gonna follow You forever

And for all of my days

I won't rest 'til I see You again

Show me Your glory

Show me Your glory

I can't live without You

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