Cântăre You keep giving me love

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 123
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5693-you-keep-giving-me-love]You keep giving me love[/url]

So many reasons to be thankful

So many blessings that I can't repay

And I never would made it here without you

Sending Angels that guide me on my way

You keep giving me joy

You keep giving me happiness

You keep giving me Hope

You keep giving me everything I wish

You keep holding me up

When I'm about to fall

And even if all of that was not enough

you keep giving me love (keep giving me love)

I know that I'm not always easy

And I know I put you through some trying days

But in spite of all the worries that I gave you

Know you never let my angels get away

You keep giving me joy

You keep giving me happiness

You keep giving me Hope

You keep giving me everything I wish

You keep holding me up

When I'm about to fall

And even if all of that was not enough

you keep giving me love (keep giving me love)

Have I told you lately how your love has saved me

it takes me to a place I only dreamed of.

I'm so thankful for my sweet angel

You keep giving me joy

You keep giving me happiness

You keep giving me Hope

You keep giving me everything I wish

You keep holding me up

When I'm about to fall

And even if all of that was not enough

you keep giving me love (keep giving me love)

Like an angel guiding me from up above

you keep giving me love

Oh yes you do

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