Cântăre Over my head

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 121
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5697-over-my-head]Over my head[/url]

I tried to figure it out

Time and time again, and time again

I guess there's some things I'll never understand

'Cause your ways aren't our ways

But deep down in my soul, down in my soul

There is one thing I know that I know

I'm in over my head

I'm right where I wanna be

I'm so lost within your love

The love that always covers me

So high, so deep, so wide

A strong and cleansing tide

My soul has found a place to rest

I'm in over my head

I've been holding on

and now I'm letting go, just letting go

gonna let your love carry me away

I don't know where I'm going

but I'm surrounded by the truth

And I can feel the current pulling me

Deeper and deeper into you

I'm in over my head

I'm right where I wanna be

I'm so lost within your love

The love that always covers me

So high, so deep, so wide

A strong and cleansing tide

My soul has found a place to rest

I'm in over my head

I'm in over my head

And I'm in over my head

I'm right where I wanna be

I'm so lost within your love

the love that always covers me

So high, so deep, so wide

a strong and cleansing tide

my soul has found a place to rest

I'm in over my head

I'm in over my head

I'm in over

You see me for who I am

You gave me a challenge a head

You made me understand

That your love has always covered me

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