Cântăre The stand

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 166
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5874-the-stand]The stand[/url]

You stood before creation

Forever within Your hand

You spoke all life into motion

My soul now is in His hand (?)

You stood before my failure

Carried the Cross for my shame

My sin went upon Your shoulders

My soul now is in His hand (?)

So what can I say

What can I do

But offer this heart O God

Completely to You

I walk upon salvation

The Spirit of light in me

My soul to declare Your promise

My life in Your hands

So I’ll stand

With arms high and heart abandoned

In awe of the One who gave it all

So I’ll stand

My soul Lord to You surrendered

All I am is Yours
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Domnul este milostiv și plin de îndurare, îndelung răbdător și plin de bunătate. ( Psalmii 145:8 )