Cântăre We

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 146
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5993-we]We[/url]

She's independent and beautiful

Wish I could be like her

She's got the girls and the boys

So wrapped around her finger

Rumor is she's some kind of dream

Nobody knows she cries herself to sleep

We are not that different from each other

We just want somebody to discover

Who we really are when we drop our guard

That love has gotta start with you and me


He's on the top of the social scene

He's stylish cool and clever

He's got a cool attitude that screams

He's got it all together

You'd think he's addicted to himself

But he wishes he could be someone else

We are not that different from each other

We just want somebody to discover

Who we really are when we drop our guard

That love has gotta start with you and me

We've gotta come together

Oh You know you never ever have to be alone

You've got a hand to hold

Yeah Lalala Oh Oh Oh

We are not that different from each other

We just want somebody to discover

Who we really are when we drop our guard

That love has gotta start with you and me

We Oh Oh And We And We You and me We

We've gotta come together
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