Cântăre You have been given

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 125
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6196-you-have-been-given]You have been given[/url]

You have been given

The Name above all names,

And we worship You, yes we worship You.

You have been given

The name above all names,

And we worship You, yes, we worship You

We are Your people, made for Your glory,

And we worship You, yes we worship You.

We are Your people, made for Your glory,

And we worship You, and we worship You.

You have redeemed us from every nation

And we worship You, yes we worship You

You have redeemed us from every nation

And we worship You, and we worship You.
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Ca niște buni ispravnici ai harului felurit al lui Dumnezeu, fiecare din voi să slujească altora după darul pe care l-a primit. ( 1 Petru 4:10 )