Cântăre Wind, wind

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 112
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6222-wind-wind]Wind, wind[/url]

Wind, wind blow on me

Wind, wind set me free

Wind, wind the father sent

the Blessed Holy Spirit

Jesus told us all about you

How could we not live without you

with his blood the power bought

To help us live the life he taught

When we're weary you console us

When we're lonely you enfold us

When in danger you uphold us

Blessed Holy Spirit.

When into the church you came

it was not in your own, but Jesus' name

Jesus Christ is still the same

He sends the Holy Spirit.

Teach us now to love our brothers

Teach us how to live for others

That the world the son might see

that Jesus' name exalted be
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