Cântăre Well walk the land

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 130
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6244-well-walk-the-land]Well walk the land[/url]

We ll walk the land,

With hearts on fire,

and ev'ry step will be a prayer

Hope is rising, new day dawning;

sounds of singing fills the air.

Two thousand years,

And still the flame

Is burning bright across the land

Hearts waiting, longing aching

For awakening once again.


Let the flame burn brighter

In the heart of the darkness

Turning night to glorious day

Let the song grow louder

As our love grows stronger

Let it shine, Let it shine.

(Let it shine)

We'll walk for truth,

Speak out for love,

In Jesus' name we shall be strong

To lift the fallen, to save the children

To fill the nation with Your song.

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