Cântăre We shall reign

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 129
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6250-we-shall-reign]We shall reign[/url]

Thou art worthy to open the book

To loose the seals thereof

For Thou wast slain

And has redeemed us to God

By His blood

Out of every nation, every tribe

And we shall reign on the earth

WE shall reign

We shall reign on the earth

We shall reign

We shall reign on the earth.

For Thou hast made us a royal house

Of kings and priests to our God

For Thou wast slain

And hast redeemed us to God

By the blood

Out of every nation, every tribe

And we shall reign on the earth

We shall reign

We shall reign on the earth

We shall reign

We shall reign on the earth.
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