Cântăre We have come into his house

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 138
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6259-we-have-come-into-his-house]We have come into his house[/url]

We have come into His house

And gathered in His name to worship Him.

We have come into His house

And gathered in His name to worship Him.

We have come into His house

And gathered in His name

To worship Christ the Lord.

Worship Him, Christ the Lord.

So forget about yourself

And concentrate on Him and worship Him.

So forget about yourself

And concentrate on Him and worship Him.

So forget about yourself

And concentrate on Him

And worship Christ the Lord.

Worship Him, Christ the Lord.

Let us lift up holy hands

And magnify His name and worship Him.

Let us lift up holy hands

And magnify His name and worship Him.

Let us lift up holy hands

And magnify His name

And worship Christ the Lord

Worship Him, Christ the Lord.
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