Cântăre This is my body that is broken for you

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 123
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6346-this-is-my-body-that-is-broken-for-you]This is my body that is broken for you[/url]

This is my body that is broken for you

This is the covenant that

Christ now renews.

My life for yours

That your life may be mine,

This bread is my body

My blood is this wine.

Eat now and drink

Taking life to your soul

And feast on the promise

Let Jesus make you whole.

Health for your weakness

And forgiveness anew

Take now, this is my body

That is broken for you

Eat now and drink

Taking life to your soul

And feast on the promise

Let Jesus make you whole

Health to your weakness

And forgiveness anew

Take now, this is my body

That is broken for you.
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