Cântăre The wings that fly us home

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 152
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6365-the-wings-that-fly-us-home]The wings that fly us home[/url]

There are many ways of being in the


we call life. A wise man seeks an


burns his candle through the night. Is a

jewel just a pebble that has found a

way to

shine? Is a hero's blood more righteous

than a hobo sipping wine?

Did I speak to you one morning of some

distant world away? Did you save me


the narrow, did you lay me in the grave?

Were we brothers on a journey; did you

teach me how to run? Were we broken

by the

waters; did I lie you in the sun?

I dreamed you were a prophet in the


I dreamed I was a mountain in the wind. I

dreamed you knelt and touched me with


flower; I awoke with this flower in my hair

I know that love is seeing all the infinite

in one; in the brotherhood of creatures,


the Father, to the Son. The vision of your

goodness will sustain me through the


take my hand now to remember when

you find

yourself alone.

You're never alone when the Spirit fills

the darkness of the heavens. It fills the

endless yearning of the soul. It lives

within a star to far to dream of; it lives

within each part and is the whole. It's the

fire and the wings that fly us home. Fly


home, fly us home.
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