Cântăre The windows of heaven are open

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 122
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6366-the-windows-of-heaven-are-open]The windows of heaven are open[/url]

The windows of heaven are open

The blessings are falling tonight

There's joy, joy, joy in my heart

For Jesus made everything right

I gave Him my old tattered garment

He gave me a robe of pure white

I'm feasting on manna from heaven

And that's why I'm happy tonight.

I'm so happy and here's the reason why

Jesus took my burden all away

Now I'm singing as the days go by

Jesus took my burden all away

Once my heart was heavy

With a load of sin

But Jesus took the load

And gave me peace within

Now I'm happy and that's the reason why

Jesus took my burden all away.
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meniu prim
Preaiubiților, vă sfătuiesc ca pe niște străini și călători, să vă feriți de poftele firii pământești, care se războiesc cu sufletul. ( 1 Petru 2:11 )