Cântăre The law of the lord is perfect

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 103
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The law of the Lord is perfect

Converting the soul

The testimony of the Lord is sure

Making wise the simple.


More to be desired are they than gold

Yea, than much fine gold

Sweeter also than honey and the honey


Moreover, by them is thy servant warned

And in keeping of them there is great


More to be desired are they than gold.

The statutes of the Lord are right

Rejoicing the heart

The commandment of the Lord is pure

Enlightening the eyes


THe fear of the Lord is clean

Enduring forever

The judgements of the Lord are true

And righteous altogether.

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Mântuiește, Doamne, poporul Tău, și binecuvântează moștenirea Ta! Fii păstorul și sprijinitorul lor în veci. ( Psalmii 28:9 )