Cântăre Spirit of god

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 129
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6423-spirit-of-god]Spirit of god[/url]

Spirit of God in the clear running water

Blowing to greatness the trees on the


Spirit of God in the finger of water.

Chorus:Fill the earth, bring it to birth,

and blow where you will. Blow, blow,

blow till I be but the breath of the

Spirit blowing in me.

Dawn in the meadows the willows are


Sheep in the pastureland cannot lie still.

Spirit of God, creation is groaning.....

I saw the scar of a year that lay dying

Heard the lament of a lone whippoorwill.

Spirit of God, see that cloud crying....

Spirit of God every man's heart is lonely

Watching and waiting and hungry until

Spirit of God, man longs that you only

Chorus:Fulfill the earth..........
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