Cântăre O be joyful in the lord

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 129
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6508-o-be-joyful-in-the-lord]O be joyful in the lord[/url]

O be Joyful in the Lord


O be joyful in the Lord. (x2)

Let us make a joyful noise that

the whole earth rejoice.

O be joyful in the Lord all ye life [Chorus]

Know that the Lord he is good

He has made us we are his

We are the sheep of his pasture

The people of his hand

Enter his gates with thanksgiving

Come into his courts with praise

Be thankful unto Him

And always seek of His name

Know that the Lord he is God

His love lasts forever

His faith, love and truth

through every generation.

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