Cântăre Lets take time

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 109
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6566-lets-take-time]Lets take time[/url]

Let's Take Time


Lets take time to wait upon the Lord,

Let's take time to listen to His voice

Unless the Lord builds the house

They labour in vain,

So let's take time to wait upon the Lord.

Let's take time to wait upon the Lord,

Let's take time to feed upon His Word

Unless the Lord builds the house

They labour in vain,

So let's take time to wait upon the Lord.

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meniu prim
Da, inima noastră își găsește bucuria în El, căci avem încredere în Numele Lui cel Sfânt. ( Psalmii 33:21 )