Cântăre Jesus is lord (1)

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 144
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6615-jesus-is-lord-1]Jesus is lord (1)[/url]

Jesus is Lord


Jesus is Lord Creation's voice proclaims


For By His power each tree and flower

Was planned and made.

Jesus is Lord! The universe declares it.

Sun, moon and stars in heaven

Cry Jesus is Lord!


Jesus is Lord! Jesus is Lord!

Praise Him with hallelujahs

For Jesus is Lord.

Jesus is Lord! Yet from His throne eternal

In flesh He came to die in pain on

Calv'-ry's tree.

Jesus is Lord! from Him all life proceeding

Yet gave His life a ransom, thus setting

us free.


Jesus is Lord! O'er sin the mighty


From death He rose and all His foes

shall own His name.

Jesus is Lord! God sent His Holy Spirit

To show by works of power that Jesus is



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