Cântăre I love to hear the story

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 142
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6693-i-love-to-hear-the-story]I love to hear the story[/url]

I Love to Hear the Story


I love to hear the story

Which angel voices tell,

How once the King of glory

Came down on earth to dwell.

I am both weak and sinful,

But this I surely know-

The Lord came down to save me,

Because He loved me so.

I'm glad my blessed Saviour

Was once a child like me,

To show how pure and holy

His little ones might be:

And if I try to follow

His footsteps here below,

He never will forget me,

Because He loves me so.

T sing His love and mercy

My sweetest songs I'll raise;

And though I cannot see Him,

I know He hears my praise:

For He has kindly promised

That even I may go

To sing among His angels.

Because He loves me so.

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