Cântăre I believe in bethlehem

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 160
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6831-i-believe-in-bethlehem]I believe in bethlehem[/url]

I believe in Bethlehem

Shining stars and making friends

Peace on earth goodwill to men

In all the world

I believe in silent nights

Gifts of love and guiding lights

I believe it all began in Bethlehem

In a city far away

Lowly shepherds knelt to pray

In a manager Jesus lay

Shhhh sound asleep

Angels singing in the sky

Mother Mary at His side

Precious gifts from far and wide at His feet

I believe in Bethlehem

Shining stars and making friends

Peace on earth goodwill to men

In all the world

CHORUS (repeat 2X)

Peace on earth goodwill to men

I believe it all began

In a town called Bethlehem

Bethlehem (I believe)

It all began (I believe)

In Bethlehem
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