Cântăre He was still her little child

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 133
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6832-he-was-still-her-little-child]He was still her little child[/url]

When she laid him in a manger

He was still her little child

In a city filled with strangers

He was still her little child

Though the inn was full and the night was cold

She held Him close and smiled

When she laid Him in a manger

He was still her little child

When the angels called Him Savior

He was still her little child

When the wise men gave Him treasures

He was still her little child

When the shepherds bowed before Him

A star shone all the while

When the angels called Him Savior

He was still her little child

When He grew in strength and wisdom

He was still her little child

When He spoke the people listened

He was still her little child

When He healed the lame and dying

They would follow Him for miles

And when he grew in strength and wisdom

He was still her little child

When the people turned against Him

He was still her little child

When they shouted crucify Him

He was still her little child

And when they nailed Him to a wooden cross

Then we were reconciled

When she held His broken body

He was still her little child

He was still her little child
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