Cântăre Come holy spirit

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 141
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6952-come-holy-spirit]Come holy spirit[/url]

Come Holy Spirit


Come Holy Spirit live your life in me,

so I may love you more and more.

Come Holy Spirit live your life in me,

so I my Lord may adore.

Chorus:Glory to the Father and to the


and to the Spirit who's in me.

As in the beginning is now and

evermore, glory to the Trinity.

Come Holy Spirit lead us to the truth,

a truth that cannot be denied.

Come Holy Spirit lead us to the truth,

a truth from which we cannot hide.

Come Holy Spirit unite us in Your love,

a love that all the world can see.

Come Holy Spirit unite us in Your love,

a love that only comes from Thee.


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