Cântăre All that i can do

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 143
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6998-all-that-i-can-do]All that i can do[/url]

All That I Can Do


When the Father sent His Son

To live with us our lives to mend

Placed His love upon the alter

That with Him we might ascend.


And all that I can do is thank Him

All that I can do is pray

All that I can do is lift my hands

To sing His praise.

Lord, the blessed life You give me

And the holy road You choose

Lead me all the way to Calv'ry

And I'll only follow You.


Lord, I only want Your blessing

While I'm sitting at Your feet

Nothing in this world can woo me

From Your holy seat.


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meniu prim
Limba este și ea un foc, este o lume de nelegiuiri. Ea este aceea dintre mădularele noastre, care întinează tot trupul și aprinde roata vieții, când este aprinsă de focul gheenei. ( Iacov 3:6 )