Cântăre Blessed are you lord

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 125
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7011-blessed-are-you-lord]Blessed are you lord[/url]

Blessed are you Lord of all.

We have this bread to give to you.

Fruit of the field and work of our hands

Soon it shall be your bread of life, bread

of life.

Blessed be God forever, Amen, to you,


Blessed are you Lord of all.

We have this wine to give to you.

Fruit of the vine and work of our hands.

Soon it shall be your cup of love, cup of


Blessed be God forever, Amen, to you,


Blessed are you Lord of all.

We have ourselves to give to you.

Fruit of the earth and work of your


Soon we shall be yourself in love, yours



Yours is the kingdom and the power and


glory , Amen, to you, Amen, to me, Amen.

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meniu prim
Dar Tu, Doamne, Tu ești scutul meu, Tu ești slava mea, și Tu îmi înalți capul! ( Psalmii 3:3 )