Cântăre The lost son

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 139
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7032-the-lost-son]The lost son[/url]

The Lost Son

I've Been A Drifter For So Many Years

I'm Running Around In Endless Circles

Confusion And Despair

Oh, It's Always There

Oh, Lord Please Take It Away

I Am So Alone

I'm Longing Back For Home

When I Hear The Sound In The Air

In The Air

Far Away, Far Away

I Hear The Distant Call

Far Away, Far Away

It Is The Father's Call

Oh Father, Oh Father

Lost Son Is Coming Home

Oh Father, Oh Father

I'm Coming Back To Stay

I Should Have Listened To Your Words

I Closed The Door And Went My Own Way

So Cold, So Empty

It's Driving Me Insane

Oh Lord, Please Take It Away
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meniu prim
Ca și Numele Tău, Dumnezeule, și lauda Ta răsună până la marginile pământului; dreapta Ta este plină de îndurare. ( Psalmii 48:10 )