Cântăre One day of the week

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 115
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7044-one-day-of-the-week]One day of the week[/url]

I look into the eyes of you, I see the things you don't want me to

The things that you try to hide, but don't you know, I look deep inside

Cuz, I see through the games that you play

When you go to church on Sunday

You put on your mask and you think it's all right to be a Christian one day of the week

God looks into they heart of you, He sees your life, it's black as night

But if you ask Him inside, you will find, that He will wash your sins clean and white

God's not there to condemn you, He just wants to let you know

That if you choose to follow Him, He'll never let you go

But it's not right to be a Christian one day of the week
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