Cântăre For the glory of your name

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 109
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7078-for-the-glory-of-your-name]For the glory of your name[/url]

God, You keep us without failing

As You watch us from above

In our comings and our goings

Sheltered by Your precious love

In the pouring rain of mercy

Comes the grace by which we're saved

For the glory of Your Name

For the glory of Your Name

You have touched our lives forever

Can we be the same again?

May our hearts be ever faithful

Ever faithful as a friend

Let us live that we may serve You

Overflowing with Your praise

For the glory of Your name

For the glory of Your name

We behold the Man of Sorrows

Hanging there upon a cross

Where we wounded One so holy

Yet these wounds are life to us

For the blood You shed was perfect

And You finished work we made

For the glory of Your name

For the glory of Your name
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