Cântăre House of cards

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 136
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7170-house-of-cards]House of cards[/url]

House Of Cards

One by one

We climb the mountain of ambition

One by one

And we bow at the alter of tradition

One by one

Somebody tell me what we are building

You know the house of cards will tumble

Temporary by design

And all the schemes of man will crumble

Are we wasting precious time

Are we wasting precious time

Stone by stone

We build a kingdom to perfection

Stone by stone

And we search for our safety and protection

In a home

Somebody tell me what we are thinking

You know the house of cards will tumble

Temporary by design

And all the schemes of man will crumble

Are we wasting precious time

When there is only one Kingdom

One place to hide

Only one Kingdom

Come and find a place inside

Come and find a place inside

Come and find a place inside

You know the house of cards will tumble

Temporary by design

And all the schemes of man will crumble

Are we wasting precious time

Are we wasting precious time

Are we wasting precious time

Are we wasting precious time

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