Cântăre Faithful friend

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 136
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7173-faithful-friend]Faithful friend[/url]

Faithful Friend


Everyone knows you as a man of honor

I am glad to know you simply as a friend

You have always taken time to be my brother

And I'll be standing by you in the end

But I will never put you on a pedestal

I thank the Lord for everything you do

I'll be there to pray for you and for the ones you love I believe that He will finish all He started in you


I will be an open door that you can count on

Anywhere you are, anywhere you've been

I will be an honest heart you can depend on

I will be a Faithful Friend

I am one of many whose path has been made clearer

By the light you've carried faithfully as a warrior and a child

God has used you greatly to encourage and inspire

And you've remained a true friend all the while

So I will never put you on a pedestal

'Cause we both know all the glory is the Lord's

And I'll be there to pray that He will keep you by His grace

And I always will remind you to be seeking His face

(Repeat Chorus)

Should it ever come your time to mourn

I will weep with you

And every single time you win

I'm celebrating too

I will celebrate with you

Repeat Chorus

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Dacă vorbește cineva, să vorbească cuvintele lui Dumnezeu. Dacă slujește cineva, să slujească după puterea pe care i-o dă Dumnezeu, pentru ca în toate lucrurile să fie slăvit Dumnezeu, prin Isus Hristos, a căruia este slava si puterea în vecii vecilor! Amin. ( 1 Petru 4:11 )