Cântăre Band of survivors

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 150
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7174-band-of-survivors]Band of survivors[/url]

Band Of Survivors

There is a war raging on

Between the right and wrong

And we have encountered the darkness

But as each night moves along

We face another dawn

To reach for the courage of love

As the faint hearted run for the shelter of home

There is a question that hangs in the air

When the smoke clears away from the battlefield

Who will be there

Will you stand with the band of survivors

Hand in hand

`Til the end of the day

Taking the land

With the band of survivors

Tried in the fire

Will you stand with the band

These are the ones

He will choose to win the victory

And He will declare it is over

And so we honor the call

Remain upon the wall

And trust in the name of our God

When the body is weak and the heart is afraid

Then be strong for the message is clear

When the banner is raised on the mountain

We still will be here

Will you stand with the band of survivors

Hand in hand

`Til the end of the day

Taking the land

With the band of survivors

Tried in the fire

Will you stand

Will you stand in the path of a strong man

To be counted for all you believe

Will you stand with the heart of a warrior

By the blood of the Lamb

In the name of the King

Will you stand with the band of survivors

Hand in hand

'Til the end of the day

Taking the Land

With the band of survivors

Tried in the fire

Will you stand with the band

Will you stand with the band

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