Cântăre (i am) not afraid anymore

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 132
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7175-i-am-not-afraid-anymore](i am) not afraid anymore[/url]

(I AM) Not Afraid Anymore

I said I belong to You

But in a secret room, I kept a secret list

I said, "Anything for You"

"Anything but this, anything but this

You knew it all along

You knew it very well

You knew the sturdy wall I hid behind

Were nothing but a prison cell

I am not afraid anymore

You have opened all the windows

Opened all the doors

I am not afraid anymore

I feel the wind of freedom like I never did before

The light is filling up the corners

Dancing on the floor

I am not afraid anymore

You have always been the same

I ran away from You

I ran away from You

Every time You called my name

I tried to hide the truth

I tried to hide the truth

You knew it all along

You knew it very well

You knew the more I covered up my heart

The more I didn't know myself

I am not afraid anymore

You have opened all the windows

Opened all the doors

I am not afraid anymore

I feel the wind of freedom like I never did before

The light is filling up the corners

Dancing on the floor

I am not afraid anymore

No room for fear

No room, no room

No room for fear

Perfect love is living here

I am not afraid anymore

You have opened all the windows

Opened all the doors

I am not afraid anymore

I feel the wind of freedom like I never did before

The light is filling up the corners

Dancing on the floors

I am not afraid anymore

I am not afraid anymore

I am not afraid anymore

I am not afraid anymore

Nu a fost notată încă!
Nu ai acces, deoarece nu ești autentificat!
Informații avantaje cont membru autentificat
Nu a primit aprecieri încă!
Apreciază - dezapreciază
Nu a fost comentată încă!
Nu ai acces, deoarece nu ești autentificat!
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Voi însă nu mai sunteţi pământeşti, ci duhovniceşti, dacă Duhul lui Dumnezeu locuieşte în adevăr în voi. Dacă n-are cineva Duhul lui Hristos, nu este al Lui.