Cântăre No confidence

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 130
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7181-no-confidence]No confidence[/url]

No Confidence

The Lord does not delight in human reckoning

He offers us the wisdom of the spirit

The idols of an age are falling all around

But we are told to stand and not to fear it

We find our strength in him alone

We have no greatness of our own

We put no confidence in the flesh

We will trust in the Lord our God

We put no confidence in the flesh

We will trust in the Lord our God

And we will shine like the stars

We will shine like the stars

In a darkened world

We turn away from hoping in chariot and horse

We come aside to listen and to wait

The one who brought us here will speak and lead us on

Go forward on a path of simple faith

We will find our strengths in Him alone

We have no greatness of our own

We put no confidence in the flesh

We will trust in the Lord our God

We put no confidence in the flesh

We will trust in the Lord our God

And we will shine like the stars

We will shine like the stars

In a darkened world

Shine, shine, shine

Shine, shine

In a darkened world

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Nu ai acces, deoarece nu ești autentificat!
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