Cântăre A cradle prayer

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 141
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7195-a-cradle-prayer]A cradle prayer[/url]

A Cradle Prayer

Jesus I love You my Lord my life

Where would I be without You

Here in the quiet, the still of night

I am in awe of You

Trials may come and friends they may go

What really matters is You, my Lord

Beautiful savior my God, my friend

I am in awe of You,

Lord I am in awe of You

Trials may come and friends they may go

What really matters is You, my Lord

Jesus I love You my lord my life

Where would I be without You

Here in the quiet, the still the night

I am in awe of You

Why would You, creator and king,

Come as a baby for all, for me

Beautiful savior my God, my friend

I am in awe of You

I am in awe of You.

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