Cântăre Slam

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 158
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7199-slam]Slam[/url]

You said I would Stumble

You said I wouldn't last

But you was wrong

You said I would crumble from all that's

in my past

But you was wrong

You tried to break me, tried to shake me

Tried to take me with your lies

You tried to drop me, tired to stop me

Tried to chop me down to size

You tried to crush me, tried to hush me

Tried to rush me and attack

But Jesus Christ is in my life

And now I comein' back 'cause I can...

R: Slam temptation with the Word

I can slam each lie that I have heard

I can slam the devil on his back

The rod of God will stop the attack

In my mind there is no fear

In my mind there is no doubt

Yes, I am the Christian that hell warned you about

Not only can I dance, Not only can I shout

But I cam Slam

You told me it was useless

That I would never change

But you was wrong

You told me it was hopeless

That I never would get saved

But you was wrong

You tried to drug me, tried to slug me

Tried to plug me up with guilt

You tired to shoot me, tried to loot me

Tried to boot my mind on tilt

You tried to kill me, tried to still me

Tried to bill me for my sin

But the blood has washed me clean

Sense I have been born again

I sho can...

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