Cântăre Do i do

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 134
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7204-do-i-do]Do i do[/url]

R: Do I do

Yes, I say

Trust in you Lord,

All the way

Do I Do

Yes, I say

Trust in You

All the way

Daniel was in trouble in the lion's den

But he knew what prayer was all about

Daniel trusted god and he got out again

He didn't doubt, He didn't bend

Moses told the pharaoh back in Egypt land

God said, "Pharaoh, let my people go"

After many plagues, people fled and then

The headed for the promise land

Everything I am

Everything I'll be

Everything I'll do

You decide for me

Peter saw the Master walking on the sea

Peter said, "Can I come out to you?"

Jesus said, "I can make it be"

"If all you do is trust in me"

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Toată Scriptura este insuflată de Dumnezeu și de folos ca să învețe, să mustre, să îndrepte, să dea înțelepciune în neprihănire. ( 2 Timotei 3:16 )