Cântăre Undeceived

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 133
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7206-undeceived]Undeceived[/url]

She lies in her bed staring into nowhere

Tears running down her face

An open wound bleeding

Her body turns pale

Recalling the road leading away from right

As the dark had appeared as light

Tricked to cross the line, dragged further in

Then trapped in a swirl of wicked lies

Now, no sign of light, no sign of hope

As a dark shadow enters her room

A freezing chill runs down her spine

The presence of death fills the room

The shadow encircles her, pale of fear

slowly draining the last drops of life

Her last strength she forces through

and cries out to the Lord she used to know

Overwhelming light annihilates the dark

Immediate rest fills her heart

My dear child, come to Me

I will restore you and embrace you with My love

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Căci El mă va ocroti în coliba Lui în ziua necazului, mă va ascunde sub acoperișul cortului Lui, și mă va înălța pe o stâncă. ( Psalmii 27:5 )