Cântăre Ember

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 131
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7212-ember]Ember[/url]

There is a fire to light a sleeping heart

A wish to see the spirit take control

Crush the chains that hold you down

And let yourself be filled with fire

Wake up and realize the dream you've lived

Was set up by the liar

A broken heart, a kneeling soul

The spirit will set you on fire

To give you strength to reach the ones

Who search the truth with a deep desire

Crucifixion of the ego

Death and burial of the old

Crush the chains that hold you down

And let yourself be filled with fire

A broken heart, a kneeling soul

The spirit will set you on fire

There is no spiritual authority

Outside obediance of God

A broken heart is needed to reach this state

Divine encounter with the living God

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