Cântăre And I watch

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 166
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7213-and-i-watch]And I watch[/url]

And I watch how your big words

Return with an echo of emptiness

Inside your walls of fear

Feeding the insecurity

And I watch as your soul

Swallow the blackest lie

Resurrection rejected

Denial of afterlife

Symptoms of a blind man

To comprehend the insanity

Of this grand illusion

Is unbearable

The spirit that fears the Blood

Can never bring truth

Fallen with the snake

Never to rule

And I watch you return to your folly

As a dog returns to it's vomit

The choice has been made

Abandoning the call of freedom

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meniu prim
Toți greșim în multe feluri. Dacă nu greșește cineva în vorbire, este un om desăvârșit, și poate să-și țină în frâu tot trupul. ( Iacov 3:2 )