Cântăre A structure of souls

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 120
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7214-a-structure-of-souls]A structure of souls[/url]

A fusion is received

Through a synchronizing Faith

Exposing forces unseen

This is the embodiment of Love

Growing, the image of a man appears

His limbs are injected with power

The heart of his mission is peace

And deliverance

Stronger, his body increases with strength

Absorbing a Godly nourishment

The members work in one accord

Reaching the fullness of man

A Structure of Souls

Bounded by one Spirit

A union of hearts

Saved by the same Spirit

We are the members of

The body of the Son

We are the Church of Christ

Freedom is to be our destiny

Due to the eternal grace

That comes from the Author of Life

The one and only God

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meniu prim
Supuneți-vă, dar, lui Dumnezeu. Împotriviți-vă diavolului, și el va fugi de la voi. ( Iacov 4:7 )