Cântăre Romans

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 126
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7233-romans]Romans[/url]

Just when I think I've got it,

It's gone.

When I think I know the answer

And I dare to raise my hand it's wrong.

Stop. stop. stop this foolish pride of mine.

That dares to drag me far away from you.

When I try to do it my way I always lose.

I always lose your point of view.

I don't have to be condemned.

Jesus saved me from the laws of sin.

If I fall I'll try again.

With the spirit as my guide

I'll never have to hide again.

I, I, I try to close my eyes like a child

Playing in a game of hide and seek.

If I can not see the Lord

Then surely Lord

You can not see me.

As if I could ever

Keep him from spying me.

All the plans of this man they're nothing more

Nothing more than evil schemes.
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meniu prim
Dacă crede cineva că este religios și nu-și înfrânează limba, ci își înșală astfel inima, religia unui astfel de om este zadarnică. ( Iacov 1:26 )