Cântăre 98

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 132
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7248-98]98[/url]

Come on and gather round

And listen to my story

About a fall from grace

A change of heart

A rise to glory

A lesson learned

A doorway I went through

Now all I know is I was born to lead

And not to follow

But the places that I led

Turned out to be so hollow

And in the end

I just turned out to be a fool

Justification would make me shine

My performance a work of art

All I ever wanted was to walk that line

But I jumped across and broke Your heart

R: For all I've learned

The days I lived it were so rare

The dust of innocence

I scattered who knows where

And when I turned my back on You

You stood right there

And You never left me

No You never left me

These scars I have

I know they are here to remind me

That everything I've said and done

I can leave far behind me

The door is shut

And I shall nevermore return

Everybody says that your childhood dies

A little bit more every day

But all around me are mercy's eyes

And they'll keep me close to You I pray

You know I came to love You as a young man

Many years ago

But now You've brought me out of harm

And I feel just like a baby in Your arms
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Toți greșim în multe feluri. Dacă nu greșește cineva în vorbire, este un om desăvârșit, și poate să-și țină în frâu tot trupul. ( Iacov 3:2 )