Cântăre Mezzanine floor

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 122
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7250-mezzanine-floor]Mezzanine floor[/url]

I'm on the mezzanine floor, never been here before no no

It's a lonely place, but a house full of grace

And I'll get to heaven

Yes I'll get to heaven

I'm at this bolted door, but I'm coming through without permission

If I go they say I'm wrong, if I stay there'll be no song

And I'll get to heaven

Yes I'll get to heaven

I'll get to heaven, I'll see you there

And I'll get to heaven

Oh I'll get to heaven

Oh I'll get to heaven

Oh I'll get to heaven

I'm flying high, to see you there

And I'll get to heaven

Oh I'll get to heaven

Through the sinner's door

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