Cântăre Kiss your feet

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 116
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7253-kiss-your-feet]Kiss your feet[/url]

All I have in this world

Is more than a king could ever wish for

All these crowns leave me cold

For I was born to kiss your feet

All I have in this life

Is all for a king, you know I live for

And your crown bears my name

For I was born to give you praise

Isn't he beautiful

Isn't he beautiful

Isn't he beautiful

Take this life, take it all

I'm breathing the dirt, but I have clean hands

So I'll run with my boots on

For I was born to give you fame

Isn't he beautiful

Isn't he beautiful

Isn't he beautiful

Yes, you are beautiful

Yes, you are beautiful

Isn't he beautiful

Yes, you are beautiful

Yes, you are beautiful

Yes, you are beautiful

Isn't he beautiful

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