Cântăre It's ok

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 131
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7254-it-s-ok]It's ok[/url]

Take me or leave me, don't have to believe me

All the words I have to say, all the songs that fly away

Take me or leave me, believe me good will come

It's ok, you know I'll live to fight another day

It's ok, you know I'll live to find another way

She's as pretty as hell and her eyes have no home

The beauty has run from your face such beauty that hung from your face

And if you would drink this wine you'll shine

It's ok, you know I'll live to fight another day

It's ok, you know I'll live to find the words to say

It's ok, you know I'll live to find another way

And if you would give me holy wine, I'll shine

Shine on me

It's ok you know I'll live to fight another day

It's ok you know I'll live to find the words to say

It's ok you know I'll live to find another way

Will you come to me

Like a summer's day

I will sing again

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meniu prim
Deci, ca unii care, prin ascultarea de adevăr, v-ați curățat prin Duhul, ca să aveți o dragoste de frați neprefăcută, iubiți-vă cu căldură unii pe alții, din toată inima. ( 1 Petru 1:22 )