Cântăre Blindfold

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 138
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7259-blindfold]Blindfold[/url]

[hold me, take me, run with me]

Take this blindfold off of me

I'm walking but I cannot see

Mysteries fly at my feet

The answers come with no relief

Broken shoes won't get you far

Climb on my back I'll carry you afar

Words just feel anatheistized

But hope is found within the lies

And I keep walking down that road

And I keep running down that road

Take this blindfold off of me

I'm crawling, grabbing, breathing for the way I can see

Hold me, take me, run with me, I know you'll ignite

A battered flame that once was bright

And I keep walking down that road

And I keep running down that road

And I keep running down that road

And I keep running down, keep running down that road

[it's all ours to see]

[glory in the highest]

Glory, glory

Glory, in the highest

Glory, glory

Glory, in the highest

Glory, Glo--ala la la la


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