Cântăre Shaken up

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 129
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7264-shaken-up]Shaken up[/url]

I'm shaken up I'm falling down

I'm feeling like the rug's been pulled

Beneath my feet there's shifting ground

I'm reaching out I need your hand

I'm waiting here in my living room

I'll play for you and I'll yell like a madman

Come sing to me like a father would

And still my heart with your melodies

I'm calling out to you

Embrace me again

I'm crying out to you

Come meet me again

I'll suffocate won't you let out

I'm asking you where's the treasure now

Oh you have my heart, only you can know

I'm searching more now than I've ever

searched before

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Toate lucrările Tale Te vor lăuda, Doamne! Și credincioșii Tăi Te vor binecuvânta. ( Psalmii 145:10 )